Thursday, April 1, 2010

Wake up Sid aka Prusty...!!


Well I promised him long ago that I would write an article on him, but didn't find time for it. But now I fulfill this promise of mine plus this is his birthday gift also.*HEE-HEE* Let me first justify the header "Wake up Prusty", it's because I feel he's blessed with a great persona and he could use it do so many more things which are undone. He's a very straightforward guy. And he's this person who is a thoroughly entertaining companion. Time just flies for everybody when he's around. He has this very special quality of making everyone around him feel very comfortable. The best part about him according to me would be his hairstyle. Personally I just love that style and you bet, all heads would turn to see that and I thinks it suits him perfectly, it adds a lot to his personality. I know he would say, "It's difficult to maintain." I do agree with him, but I'm sure he can keep up. If after reading all this anyone of you is thinking of hitting on him, then, caution girls: "He's certainly not single and has very pretty girlfriend." I wish I could put up a picture of him for all you people to take a look but sadly I don't have one. Of course the suspense of the entire article is the best part..!!

Keep wondering ;-)


Not too many options...

There are so many things you want to do. Maybe all your plans are too good, but, situations are such that, you can only work upon a few. I can't give any of them up; my plans are close to my heart. They are my dreams. I've believed in them with my eyes closed then how can I not believe to make them a reality with my eyes wide open. Yes some of you would think dreams are fantasy and reality is something totally different. Dreams are a part of you, they are real, and it's upon you how much faith you have in yourself. Sometimes I wonder if I would have been in America, I would have fulfilled all my dreams without hassle. There are so many things I want to do, there are so many thing I want to learn. I wish to be able to work with CEE in the weekends, do a part time job in all my summer and winter breaks, do a CMTC and be a part of any kinder garden in the morning hours (because my college starts at eleven), open up a food joint at my parents' place, read out books to blind children, own a piece of land, win a beauty pageant and also study side by side. I want to work in all the free hours I get…!! In our university we only prepare one month prior to our examination. I want to use all the other times to do what I wish to do. All the above mentioned things are not going to hurt anybody (except for my parents because they would think I've gone mad!). I thought I would make a very good lawyer but didn't have the guts to stand for it when the time was right. That time has passed, I'm overage for a course in law, I wish I was a bit more mature, decisive and committed at that time. I don't have too many options now, the only way that I can fulfill all the above things is by doing an MBA. I sometimes question myself, do I have the commitment to do it, why am I not happy doing what I doing right now, even though my results are good, I feel as if I'm slogging desperately to get out of this system. I don't have the patience to wait until two years complete this MBA thingy. Do I have any option but to work towards it?? And what if I fail, what if I don't prepare all that well and I fail, what if I'm not committed. Lord, who can provide me with the answers to all those questions. *BIG SIGH*